Election 2020: Patrick O’Donovan (Fine Gael)

Limerick County – elected 5th count

Patrick O’Donovan. File photograph: Nick Bradshaw
Patrick O’Donovan. File photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Patrick O'Donovan (43), from Newcastle West, is a qualified industrial chemist and first entered the local political scene with Fine Gael when he was elected to Limerick County Council in June 2004, topping the poll aged 27 with 1,485 first-preference votes.

His reputation as a no-nonsense political street fighter earned him the honour of being elected the youngest Fine Gael Group Leader in Ireland by his fellow party members.

In 2007 he failed in a bid to be elected to the 23rd Seanad, but he was re-elected to the council in 2009, and despite pursuing a teaching career he increased his personal vote to 2,254.

O’Donovan, a married father of two, was first elected to the Dáil in 2011.


He retained his seat in 2016 and was appointed Minister of State at the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform with special responsibility for Public Procurement, Open Government and eGovernment.

He previously served as Minister of State for Tourism and Sport.