Drinks industry welcomes excise relief for microbreweries

Failure to lower excise duty described as ‘missed opportunity’ by Vintners’ Federation

The drinks industry has welcomed the upfront excise relief for microbreweries but said the failure to reduce excise in Budget 2016 was a "missed opportunity".

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan said the production of drinks was an “increasingly important sub-sector of the agri-food sector”.

“Last year, I increased the amount of beer that microbreweries could produce and still qualify for this excise relief,” he said. “The relief will now be available upfront . . . reducing the cashflow burden of the current rebate scheme.”

The Drinks Industry Group of Ireland, which represents suppliers, pubs, restaurants, hotels and independent off-licences, said it “welcomes the upfront excise relief” for microbreweries.


Chairman Peter O’Brien was, however, critical of the failure to reduce excise duty.

The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland was also disappointed excise duty was not reduced and said it was “a missed opportunity”.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter