Opposition fears for EU treaty

The Government has been accused by Fine Gael and Labour of putting the ratification of the EU Reform Treaty at risk because of…

The Government has been accused by Fine Gael and Labour of putting the ratification of the EU Reform Treaty at risk because of complacency about the outcome.

"I am deeply concerned about the Government's handling of the EU Reform Treaty. They have negotiated the treaty in secret, with virtually no public debate or consultation," Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny told his fellow party leaders in the European People's Party in Brussels yesterday.

"Nothing has been done to provide the Irish people with information about the provisions of the treaty or to explain its importance for the future of Europe."

He said the negligence on the Government's part was evidenced by a recent Irish Times/TNS mrbi poll which showed that support for the treaty had halved since the original constitutional treaty was agreed. It also revealed a high number of people who did not feel they knew enough about the treaty to express an opinion.


"I fear that the Government has not learned the lessons of the first Nice Treaty referendum, and it is clear that the same mistakes are being repeated."

Labour Party spokesman on Europe and human rights Joe Costello told the Dáil yesterday that the Government was communicating its failure to show any sense of urgency about the treaty to the people of Ireland.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times