On The Road

Voices from the marathon

Voices from the marathon

Kathleen Barry 3hrs 38mins and Liam Barry 3hrs 37mins, Partry, Co Mayo

Liam: We've been married for 13 years. This is our second marathon together; we did the Clonakilty marathon last December.

Kathleen: It was really tough today but the support was great . . . from mile 20 to 24 was very tough. I couldn't have done it only for the support . . . People were recognising the county colours and shouting, "Up Mayo!"


Liam: From mile 22 on, I found it tough, but the support takes your mind off the pain. We were in sight of each other most of the way. Kathleen was ahead for the second half, so I was just keeping tabs on her from behind. I didnt want to let her get too far ahead. Then I overtook her and she was keeping tabs on me. In the end, I crossed the line first but just a few seconds before her.

We’re heading back to Mayo now to the three kids. Ill be doing the driving.

I’m a paramedic and I’m back on nights on Wednesday.

Kathleen: Ive got tomorrow off, I'm a nurse, but Ill be back working in Mayo General at 7.30am on Wednesday.

Ger Copeland, Howth, 3hrs 7mins

Im doing 20 marathons in six months and this is number 16, that’s including 100km ultra marathons as well. This is my 10th Dublin Marathon.

I’m running for Temple Street Childrens Hospital. My little boy Fionn, he’s two; he was born without thyroid glands.

There shouldn’t be any problems but unfortunately he has a weak set of lungs which means he has asthma and is prone to getting bronchiolitis RSV, especially this time of year. That means we could be in Temple Street in an isolation ward for two weeks at a time.

Because of cutbacks, we’ve noticed there is more and more basic equipment on the wards. We got talking the last time I was in and I asked if there was anything I could do. They mentioned marathons. I do triathlons and iron men and I thought, why not, this is something I can do.

Ive got a team of 20 friends running for Temple Street today as well. I think we’ve raised close to €10,000.

It was tough going today . . . But it was fantastic to bring my two boys over the line with me.

Paul Frewen (52) 3hrs 17mins and Rob Frewen (22) 3hrs 22mins, Malahide

Rob: This is our first marathon together, my dad's been doing them a few years but this is only my second one, I did Barcelona earlier in the year.

Paul: I did the marathon in 2004, 2009 and 2010. I had a minor stroke last year, I was training for the marathon and it happened to me about two weeks before so I couldn't do it. I wanted get back and do it this year so we said wed do it together.

It’s always on your mind a small bit, but I felt great today, I really enjoyed it. It was my best Dublin Marathon time.

We were with each other up to about mile 18 or 19 and I was feeling stronger – we kind of had an agreement that if one of us felt stronger, we’d go ahead. Id say that’s my last year in front of him.

Rob: I couldnt even beat him – ah, I said I'd stay behind him in case he collapsed!

We did a fair bit of training together, the Hill of Howth at least once a week. At mile 20 or 21, after UCD, there’s a bit of a steep hill but the crowd were really good and they really pushed you over.

It was just amazing.

PSNI officer Justin Maxwell, stationed in Ballymena, 2hrs 42mins and Garda Supt Paul Moran, stationed in Ballymun, 2hrs 43mins (first garda and first PSNI officer home)

Paul: I'm very, very happy. Conditions were excellent out there today. The crowds were absolutely fantastic, you couldnt beat it. The marathon started an hour earlier than last year and the crowds were still there.

This is my 80th marathon; I think Ive done about 12 Dublin Marathons. It feels great to be the first garda home, but . . . that little hill at mile 21 was tough. The crowds are all there because they want to see a bit of pain.

There is about 150 gardaí and about 40 PSNI officers running together today.

Justin: It's brilliant running with the gardaí . . . and the hospitality is second to none.

I did the Snowdonia marathon on Saturday, so I had just yesterday to recover. For the first half today, I didn’t know how my legs would hold up but I stayed patient.

Whenever the gardai and the PSNI get together, there is always a remembrance for those who are not with us, those who have died in the line of duty, today is for them.

Joanna Cullen, Roundwood, Wicklow, 3hrs 47mins

This is my first marathon – I know, I know, what was I thinking? I did it and I’m really delighted.

Halfway through, I said never, ever again. But then you come through in the crowds and it’s just unbelievable.

I ran with the gardaí today. I’m stationed with the crime taskforce in Dún Laoghaire. I started training in about September. I run with Kilcoole Athletic Club and there is a big crew from Kilcoole doing it today.

We all trained together and it was lovely on a Saturday to train with 10 or 12 other people.

Between mile 15 and 18 was really tough, I really struggled. I think from Walkinstown on I really struggled. But when you see people out supporting you, it gets quite emotional.

I was terrified because it was my first marathon. Yesterday and this morning, I was really excited, but absolutely terrified.

Who did I run it for? I was a bridesmaid for Michaela McAreavey. I’m wearing this wristband for the Michaela Foundation. I just wear that and I just always feel she is around.

Emma Sheehan, Templeogue, 3hrs 48mins

I ran today for the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland. One of my dear friends has it so I felt it would be a good cause. We’re both final-year medical students in Trinity. She was on my mind when I was running and I think that made me put in more effort.

My training started in July in Marley Park, doing fairly short runs then we gradually picked it up.

Clonskeagh Road definitely was the toughest part. From about mile 14 to 19, there’s a good four-mile incline. But I suppose by then the blood sugar is low and your legs are tired. I had jelly babies and I took water and isotonic fluid.

I think the support is amazing, that’s what pushes you along. Without the support, it would be a lot tougher. It felt absolutely brilliant crossing the line. At first you think, “that’s it, I’m never doing it again”, but after a while that’s all gone.

This is my second marathon and I ran it about 15 minutes faster than the first. It’s a great challenge. There’s no feeling like it; you just get addicted. I’m going to go home now - I’ll have a shower and maybe come back into town later and experience the atmosphere.

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about homes and property, lifestyle, and personal finance