O'Malley warns against arrogance

It is no coincidence that the Flood, Moriarty and other tribunals have concentrated their investigations on the activities of…

It is no coincidence that the Flood, Moriarty and other tribunals have concentrated their investigations on the activities of single-party governments, the outgoing TD and Progressive Democrats founder Mr Des O'Malley said yesterday.

"When a party is in government on its own, humility tends to be the victim, arrogance the victor," he said.

"Looking back to the 1987-89 administration, I think it is fair to say that neither Mr Haughey, nor Mr Burke, nor Mr Flynn were exactly renowned for their humility. And when arrogance takes over, questionable decisions are made - decisions which would not be likely to secure approval within the consensus-based constraints of a coalition government."

Speaking at the launch in Dublin of Irish Times journalist Paul Cullen's book on the Flood tribunal, With a Little Help from my Friends, Mr O'Malley added that it was no surprise coalition governments tended to establish tribunals, as such governments had "a wider perspective" and "a greater ability to transcend party allegiance and sectional interest".


Complimenting the author of the book, Mr O'Malley said, "He has made what would otherwise be an impenetrable amount of evidence accessible" to the public "in a readable fashion". He added that the timing of its publication, ahead of next week's general election, was admirable.

The book pieces together the various planning irregularities and alleged bribes being investigated by the tribunal. Its author said he had tried to answer questions about such matters which remained outstanding. "I think it's really important to tell the shocking events that happened while they're still current rather than waiting for them to become a history lesson."

Mr Cullen added: "They are not 'the affairs of the past', as they are so gingerly referred to in the Fianna Fáil manifesto . . . The beast has just changed its form." He said journalists were still getting daily phone calls from people complaining about irregularities in the planning process. "Unless we learn from the past," he said, "we are doomed to repeat it."

With a Little Help From My Friends by Paul Cullen is published by Gill & Macmillan and priced €12.99.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column