Nightclub shooting charge expected

Gardaí investigating the shooting of a nightclub bouncer in the early hours of Sunday morning expect to charge a man they were…

Gardaí investigating the shooting of a nightclub bouncer in the early hours of Sunday morning expect to charge a man they were questioning last night.

The injured doorman, who was shot as he worked the door on the Hush nightclub at the Red Cow Inn, Naas Road, Clondalkin, Dublin, is said to be making a good recovery.

He was shot in the neck by a man who had earlier been refused access to the venue. The suspect left the scene after initially being refused and came back at 2am when he was refused access to the nightclub for a second time. He then fired a Glock pistol, wounding the doorman in the neck.

About three hours later, at 5am, members of the Garda's south central taskforce chased a stolen Audi car into the Dolphin House flats complex in Kilmainham. The driver tried to flee but was arrested after a violent struggle. A garda sustained a broken bone in his hand during the incident.


A search of the man's car yielded a loaded Glock pistol which gardaí are satisfied was the same weapon used in the shooting. The 23-year-old from Kilmainham was taken to Clondalkin Garda station where he was still being held last night.

He has a number of convictions for violent crime and is a suspect in a number of shooting incidents. During one incident shots were fired at a Garda car.

The suspect is a member of one of two gangs in the Crumlin and Drimnagh areas whose feud has cost 10 lives since 2001.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times