New guide offers advice on living with a disability

A new guide providing information and advice to people with disabilities about living independently has been launched by the …

A new guide providing information and advice to people with disabilities about living independently has been launched by the Minister of State for Health Brian Lenihan.

The guide, produced by the Centre for Independent Living, offers information on social welfare entitlements, employment rights and options, housing, education, personal assistance services and advocacy.

It also provides advice on developing an independent social life with information on sports and recreation, relationships, sexuality, emotional care and health.

The guide provides an alternative for people who might otherwise face institutional care, family dependency, poor job prospects, poor access to education and training and a restricted social life.


"Independent living offers choice and control over one's own life. This challenges the person with a disability to define their basic needs, empower them to think differently and move away from passive dependence to self empowerment," Suzy Byrne, spokeswoman for the Centre for Independent Living said.

About 300,000 Irish people had a disability and many were not aware of the possibility of independent living, Ms Byrne said.

"The guide, Your Life, Your Choice, offers answers to all of the possible questions a person might have when they decide to begin the journey towards independent living."

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times