Mast dispute garda now at Achill Sound

Achill islanders appear to have won the first round in a battle over the loss of a garda following a dispute over construction…

Achill islanders appear to have won the first round in a battle over the loss of a garda following a dispute over construction of an Esat Digifone communications mast and base station.

However, the protest by residents outside the Garda station at Keel on the island continues pending a commitment to abide by planning regulations in the construction.

Chief Supt John Carey, of the Mayo division, confirmed to The Irish Times yesterday that Garda Peadar Howley of Keel was now working out of Achill Sound station.

Last week Garda Howley was informed that he was to move to Westport station following his intervention in matters relating to the installation of the Esat equipment at his station. Islanders chained themselves to part of the proposed mast and insisted that the garda be reinstated and that alleged breaches of planning regulations be dealt with.


Chief Supt Carey said Garda Howley had never been transferred. Only the Garda Commissioner, Mr Pat Byrne, and the chief superintendent could issue a transfer, and this had not happened.

Garda Howley had been "temporarily redeployed pending the resolution of the conflict", he said.

Chief Supt Carey, who met representatives of the protesters in Castlebar on Tuesday, said he hoped that other issues relating to the dispute would be solved through dialogue, and not in the public domain. The planning regulations must be abided by and were a matter for Esat Digifone.

He added that the Garda station at Keel would remain closed until communications were restored.

Ms Martina Calvey, spokeswoman for the Keel residents, welcomed the fact that one of the demands had been met, insisting that Garda Howley had initially been transferred. The protest would continue over the erection of the mast and base station.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times