Martin warns Kerry publicans over smoking ban

The Minister for Health, Mr Martin, today warned Kerry publicans the "the bottom line" was that smoking ban will apply to all…

The Minister for Health, Mr Martin, today warned Kerry publicans the "the bottom line" was that smoking ban will apply to all establishments.

Mr Martin was speaking about a decision by the Kerry branch of the Vintners' Federation of Ireland not to fully implement the smoking ban in the New Year.

He said some people have not woken up to the fact that passive smoking kills and causes cancer and heart disease. Some publicans are failing to realise "this is for real, the die has been cast", the Minister said.

Mr Martin called on the publicans to carefully reflect on what they planned to do.


Yesterday a number of publicans in Kerry said they would not enforce the ban and would continue to allow smoking in designated sections of their premises.

The Kerry branch of the Vintners' Federation of Ireland said the decision not to implement the ban was unanimous.

The Mandate union said today it was "astounded" at the decision by Kerry publicans not to fully implement the smoking ban in the new year.

The union, which represents bar staff, said it expected the ban to be enforced in all pubs come January and "the full rigour of the law" to be applied to those establishments that refuse.

Mandate national official Mr John Douglas told /i> the issue was clearly a health and safety matter and "no section of employers should have the right to veto".

Chairman of the Kerry branch of the Vintners' Federation of Ireland Mr John O'Sullivan said the decision was "because of the total lack of consultation and communication from the Minister".

Mr O'Sullivan said vintners had been dictated to and this was despite a promise by the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, that he would not introduce plans until he consulted vintners.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times