Santa Claus granted permission to enter Irish air space

Shane Ross says stocks of milk, mince pies and carrots topped up for Christmas

Santa has been given permission to enter Irish airspace. Photograph: Per Breiehagen/Photographer’s Choice via Getty Images

Santa Claus and his reindeer have been given permission to enter Irish air space on Christmas Eve, according to Minister for Transport Shane Ross.

Despite Storm Barbara threatenening the travel plans, the Minister has been assured by the Irish Aviation Authority that everything is good to go.

“I have been informed that a large, jolly man on a low flying sleigh, assisted by reindeer and perhaps some elves, will be entering Irish air space tomorrow evening,” Mr Ross said on Friday.

“I would therefore encourage all children to be safety tucked up in their beds as early as possible to ensure Santa and his reindeer can go about their work successfully.”


The Minister also confirmed that stocks of milk, mince pies and carrots have been topped up ahead of Christmas.

“I have also just received a very important message from Mrs Claus who has asked that everyone take special care on our roads this holiday season and if you’re having a festive drink, please leave the car at home.”

Canada’s transportation department said on Thursday that Santa Claus successfully renewed his commercial pilot’s license, passing a written exam as well as a health check - despite high sugar levels.

For those who want to keep an eye on Santa's journey, Google's Santa Tracker - the company's live feed of the Big Man's movements - will begin on Christmas Eve and will be available here:

Dean Ruxton

Dean Ruxton

Dean Ruxton is an Audience Editor at The Irish Times. He also writes the Lost Leads archive series