Garda visits Dublin marathon runner she assisted

Garda Niamh Connaughton meets Giancarlo Issacchi who fell ill while running the race

Garda Niamh Connaughton is seen with Giancarlo Issacchi in hospital. Photograph: An Garda via Twitter

A man who fell ill at the Dublin Marathon over the weekend has been visited in hospital by the Garda who was on hand to assist him.

Giancarlo Issacchi was running the 26 mile race on Sunday when he required urgent medical assistance.

Garda Niamh Connaughton, who was on duty during the race, performed CPR on Mr Issacchi before he was taken to the Mater hospital for treatment.

Garda Connaughton visited Mr Issacchi in hospital in recent days and gardaí said he is “doing well”.

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns is a reporter for The Irish Times