Connemara man dies in mobile home fire

Gardaí investigation into fatal blaze in Inverin

Gardaí are investigating are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fire in a mobile home which claimed the life of a man in Connemara , Galway, over the weekend. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

Gardaí in Galway are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fire in a mobile home which claimed the life of a man in Connemara over the weekend.

The man has been named as Micheál Ó Cualáin, who was single and in his 60s. He was living in the mobile home at Cor na Ron, Inverin, on the coast road west of Galway.

His body was recovered from the remains of the structure in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Local residents raised the alarm when they saw smoke coming from the main road in Carraroe at about 1am.


Three units of the Galway Fire Brigade tackled the blaze for several hours.

The body of Mr Ó Cualain, who was known locally as Maidhc Pheadar Sheainin, was taken to University Hospital Galway for a post mortem.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times