Aer Lingus aicraft makes emergency landing at Shannon Airport

Los Angeles-bound jet burned off fuel for 30 minutes after indication of engine fire received

Airbus descended to 3,000ft and continued towards Shannon where it entered a holding pattern and circled. Photograph: Arthur Ellis/Press22

An Aer Lingus jet made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport on Thursday afternoon after the crew received an engine-fire indication.

Flight EI145 declared an inflight emergency shortly after taking off at 3.39pm. There were 267 passengers and a crew of 11 on board.

The Airbus A330-200 jet descended to 3,000ft and continued towards Shannon where it entered a holding pattern and circled for about 30 minutes burning off fuel to ensure it touched down within safe landing weight limits.

The jet landed at 4.38pm and came to a safe stop on the runway where it was met by emergency crews.


The pilot had asked that fire crews carry out a visual inspection of the engine for any evidence of fire after the plan landed and once it was confirmed there was no fire, the jet was able to taxi to the terminal building accompanied by emergency vehicles.

An Aer Lingus spokesman said the affected passengers would be brought to Los Angeles on the next available flight.