The ESB sealed off a housing estate in Lanesborough, Co Longford, last night after quantities of asbestos were discovered on open ground close to new houses. Special contractors are to move into the area later today to remove the potentially hazardous insulating material.
A round-the-clock watch was being kept on the area after tests, carried out by the ESB and Forbairt, on earth samples were found to be positive for the potentially cancerous material. But an ESB spokeswoman stressed there was no indication of the asbestos being present in its most dangerous airborne form.
Earth had been removed from the vicinity of a local ESB peatburning power station earlier this year and placed at Church View, an estate built by Longford County Council.
The investigation was prompted when a worker, employed by a builder contracted to install a new oil-interceptor tank at the power station, claimed asbestos insulation was present in the earth taken from the site and dumped in a number of locations near the village. It is understood that large quantities of earth were removed.
In recent years, the ESB has been removing asbestos from the immediate vicinity of the plant. It was buried in sealed plastic packages after it had been removed from heaters and steam turbines during the 1970s.
While it was not considered necessary to evacuate the residents, the area was sealed off and the householders were informed. No airborne fibres were detected. In this form they can give rise to a variety of conditions, notably asbestosis which affects the lungs and can be fatal.
The wet conditions of the past few days have helped to minimise any potential risk to people living in the area.