Households told to boil water

ABOUT 700 households in Co Limerick have been issued with a boil-water notice as a result of “excess aluminium concentrations…

ABOUT 700 households in Co Limerick have been issued with a boil-water notice as a result of “excess aluminium concentrations” in the public water supply.

Some 2,000 people are expected to be affected following problems at the Adare water-treatment plant.

Donal Brennan, a senior water services engineer with Limerick County Council, said a deterioration in the quality of water leaving the Adare plant had been detected.

“While no adverse bacteriological samples have been detected there is an increased possibility of bacteria getting through the system. Therefore it is necessary to issue a general boil-water notice.”


Mr Brennan advised people with “poor kidney function, renal failure and, in particular, those on renal dialysis” to source alternative supplies.

Supplies to houses in Adare, Tuogh, Kilknockan, Curraghbeg, Copay, Blackabbey, Gortaganniff, Graigue, Drehidtarsna, Boulabally, Beabus, Baurnalicka, Derryvinnane, Castleroberts, Lissaleen, Cloonaduff, Kilgobbin, Mondellihy, Rineroe and Knockanes are affected.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times