A Co Mayo woman is to legally change her name to either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, depending on the outcome of the US presidential election, as part of a fundraising effort for her ill husband.
Helen McDonnell has been married to her husband Peter for 34 years, and describes him as her “best friend” and her “life”. The couple live in Kiltimagh, Co Mayo.
After Peter began getting breathless in the summer of 2013, he was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis with honeycombing of the lungs. The condition is terminal and there is no known cause or cure.

“We were told he could expect to survive three to five years,” she said. “The only way to help him live longer is by receiving a double lung transplant.
“The last three years have been a real struggle for Peter, relying on an oxygen machine to do the most ordinary things.
“As his condition has deteriorated, I have become not only his carer, but also the sole earner. I’ve had to take leave from my job, exhausted all of our life savings and I’m scared beyond belief that money will be an obstacle to his last chance of life.”
Following Peter’s life-saving transplant, he will require full time care.
“Countless medical tests and procedures lie ahead, along with visits to surgeons, psychiatrists, social workers and rehab,” she said. “Travel and accommodation costs alone are currently a real barrier to saving Peter’s life.
“If he could run a marathon or skydive from a plane to gather sponsorship, he would. He’s an immensely proud man which is why asking for any help is so difficult.
“So, when our nephew came up with the idea to change my name based on the outcome of the presidential election, I knew it would appeal to Peter’s sense of humour, just one of the things I love most about him.
“I’m still coming to terms with the fact I could soon be called Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump if we reach our target, but I guess it’s a small price to pay to give Peter one last chance.”
The target for the fundraising initiative is €30,000. “We need all the help we can get for this lung transplant and as a last ditch resort are asking you for your help - large or small - it’ll make a huge difference to our lives,” she added.
The couple have appealed for people to spread awareness of the initiative using the Twitter hash tag #NameChanger. You can donate at http://bit.ly/2ebJtYS