Nurses’ industrial action to hit seven hospitals

Patients may be told this weekend not to attend emergency departments in hospitals to be hit by Tuesday’s action

The INMO and the HSE have held talks on the contingency arrangements that will apply during the industrial action
The INMO and the HSE have held talks on the contingency arrangements that will apply during the industrial action

Patients may be told as early as this weekend not to attend emergency departments in seven hospitals to be hit by next Tuesday’s planned industrial action by nurses.

Plans are also being made to cancel operations and elective procedures in the affected hospitals, according to the Health Service Executive.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation is expected to clarify details of the stoppage planned by members in the seven hospitals on a rolling basis throughout Tuesday.

The hospitals set to be affected are Beaumont and Tallaght in Dublin; Mercy University Hospital, Cork; Cavan General Hospital; Tullamore hospital ; University Hospital Waterford; and University Hospital Galway.


Although the industrial action would not start until 8am, health officials believe it may be necessary to advise patients to avoid emergency departments before then.

The union and the HSE held talks yesterday on the contingency arrangements that will apply during the industrial action.

Pay increases

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar said health service employers remained available for talks but it was not within his or the HSE’s remit to offer pay increases to staff.

The cost of the demands made by the INMO amount to €10 million for additional staff and €30 million in additional pay, according to a source.

Progress has been made in the talks on patient safety, staffing levels and health and safety for staff. However, there has been no agreement on the INMO’s demands on pay and conditions. The Government is fearful of “me too” claims from other unions if it concedes the INMO’s pay demands.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.