Health board

The Miracle of Mindfulness is an evening of guided meditation by Sr Jina from the Plum Village in France tonight, starting at…

The Miracle of Mindfulnessis an evening of guided meditation by Sr Jina from the Plum Village in France tonight, starting at 7.30pm in the Priory Retreat Centre, Tallaght Village (beside the Dominican church). See or tel: 089-4455235 for more details.

The RoyalCollege of Surgeons in Ireland series of free public health lectures begins tomorrow at 7pm with a talk on breast cancer by Arnold Hill, professor of surgery at the RCSI, followed by a talk on cervical cancer by Dr Paul Byrne, senior lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the RCSI. See for details.

The annualMind, Body, Spirit Festival at the RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin, runs from Saturday to Monday.

Speakers from the US, the UK and Ireland will look at ways to keep healthy and happy in these difficult times. Admission €12. See


The IrishPremature Babies charity is holding a fancy dress Halloween party on Saturday from 7.30pm at D2 nightclub in Harcourt Street, Dublin. All funds raised will go towards the neo-natal units at the Rotunda Hospital, the National Maternity Hospital and the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital in Dublin. Tickets €25 at

Th e UCDSchool of Medicine is seeking female radiographers who retired before 2000 to take part in an oral history project. Contact Dr Michaela Davis on tel: 01-7166538 or e-mail

A trainingcourse in the movement and breathing method of exercise, psychocalisthenics is on Saturday from 9.30am in the Grand Hotel, Malahide, Co Dublin. Cost €100 (€70 for repeaters). Booking on tel: 087-6880865 or See