Health board

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders will hold a free information session on Thursday at 6

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders will hold a free information session on Thursday at 6.30pm in the Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St, Cork. Two recently returned volunteers will talk about their experiences of working overseas. Register by email to or tel: 01-6603337.

Health professionals will join other runners, joggers and walkers at this year’s River Moy Half-Marathon on Saturday as they piggyback the event for their inaugural National Medical Half-Marathon Championships.

The event starts and ends at Ballina Rugby Club, Ballina, Co Mayo. See rivermoymarathon.ieand

A free seminar on looking after your mental health led by psychotherapist Natalie O’Rourke will be held in the Elbow Room, 32 North Brunswick St, Stoneybatter, Dublin at 10.30am on Saturday. Advanced booking required on or tel: 01-6779859.


Thousands of runners, joggers and walkers will gather early in the morning on Saturday as part of the countrywide Darkness Into Light annual fundraiser for Pieta House suicide and self-harm crisis centre. See dil.pieta.iefor route details and registration information.

The first in a series of three free talks on coping with serious illness and grief goes ahead on Monday at 7pm in the Education and Research Centre, Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross, Dublin. The first talk deals with loss and bereavement and will be given by bereavement counsellor Ann D’Arcy. For more details, tel: 01-4912501.

Psychologist Adrian Furnham of University College London will talk about Happiness and Emotional Intelligence at 6pm on Wednesday, May 16th in the Science Gallery, Pearse St, Dublin 2. Admission is free but pre-booking is essential. See sciencegallery.comfor details of this and Happy?, the "Lab in the Gallery" exhibition.