Health board

** Move4Parkinson’s is a new charity that provides practical support to help improve the quality of life for those who live with…

** Move4Parkinson’s is a new charity that provides practical support to help improve the quality of life for those who live with Parkinson’s disease.

Its focus is medication awareness, nutrition, exercise, emotional wellbeing and optional treatments. See

** Family tensions and difficulties at work can develop from personal issues passed down through the generations.

Psychotherapist Bert Hellinger’s approach to uncovering these difficulties will be explored in a family constellation workshop on Sunday, April 29th, 10.30am-2pm, in the Greystones Holistic Centre, Church Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow. Cost €60. Booking on tel: 087-2588385.


** Siobhán Boucher is a fertility and couples coach who is currently running a fertility support and enhancement network, which meets monthly in St Mochta’s Parish Centre, Porterstown, Dublin 15.

Her next meeting is on Monday, April 30th, from 7.30pm-9pm. Admission is free but advanced booking is necessary on tel: 086-8243267.

** The Legacy of Shame and Addiction in Irish Family Systems is a seminar on May 14th in the Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin. Organised by the Rise Foundation (founded by singer Frances Black), the seminar will be addressed by Dr Garrett O’Connor, psychiatrist and addiction expert; Prof Alex Copello, clinical psychologist and professor of addiction research at the University of Birmingham; and Stephen Rowen, senior addiction therapist. Cost €50. Advanced booking on tel: 01-7645131.

** The third annual Art of Stillness conference run by the Sanctuary will focus on the mindful leader. It will take place in Dublin Castle on Tuesday, May 22nd. See sanctuary.ieor tel: 01-6705419.