THE just published Guide To Psychotherapy In Ireland (Columba Press, £4

THE just published Guide To Psychotherapy In Ireland (Columba Press, £4.99) is a comprehensive listing of psychotherapists in this country. It also offers clear explanations of the five main therapeutic approaches used here, which will help prospective clients decide which theoretical frame work suits them best. The therapies covered are cognitive and behavioural therapy, constructivist psychotherapy, family therapy, humanistic and integrative psychotherapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

MEN and Intimacy, a one days conference exploring how men can have better relationships, takes place next Saturday in St Patrick's College, College Street, Carlow. Cost £15 (unwaged £5). Open to men and women, tel: 0503 31354.

FUEL for Sport is a one day conference on nutrition in sport, to be held in UCD's Industry Centre at Belfield, Dublin 4, next Saturday. Speakers include Scottish physiologist Prof Ron Maughan, Dr Annette Hunter from the Limerick Sports Medical Centre, consultant nutritionist Dr Elaine McGowan, and John Treacy of the Irish Sports Council. The conference, chaired by Dr Gary O'Toole, begins at 9 a.m. and costs £15. Contact Paula Mee on 01 298 7466 for more details.

THE Trinity Horizon Project which runs return to work training programmes for women recovering from depression, is currently seeking applications for its second training programme. The programme, which is affiliated to the Centre for Women's Studies at Trinity College, Dublin, and Aware, begins after Easter and will run four days a week for six months. Tel: 01 676 0450 during office hours for more details.


URINARY incontinence is the subject of this week's Coombe Women's Hospital lecture at the hospital conference centre, tomorrow at 8 p.m. The lecture will be given by Dr Chris Fitzpatrick, consultant obstetrician, who specialises in urogynaecology.

AMERICAN psychotherapist Dr Harvey Wasserman is the guest speaker at an open seminar on Human Relationships in Jury's Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin, tomorrow at 7 p.m. Dr Wasserman will address such issues as the delights and traumas associated with falling in and out of love and how to cope with rejection.

B.B. BEAR Welcome To Ireland is the title of a new children's book published to raise funds for a Bosnian charity, the Carole Wiley Humanitarian Aid. Illustrated throughout, the book combines the tale of the Bosnia "bear's arrival in Ireland with a cookery book for children. It is on sale in newsagents and bookshops.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment