Gardaí seeking to identify body of man on beach

Galway Gardaí in Galway have contacted Interpol to try to establish the identity of the body of a man washed ashore on a south…

GalwayGardaí in Galway have contacted Interpol to try to establish the identity of the body of a man washed ashore on a south Connemara beach late last week.

Postmortem results on the man’s body have not been released for “operational reasons”.

The body was found at Tra Dhireain Huston in Lettermullen last Thursday afternoon. It was taken to University Hospital Galway for the postmortem.

Initial investigations suggest that the body may have been in the water for a number of days.


The man is described as being 6ft 2in tall and of medium to strong build.

Members of the public have been asked to assist, and any information which may help inquiries may be given in confidence to Salthill Garda station at 091-514720 or to any Garda station.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times