Galway political row takes new twist

The political row in Galway over the sudden death of a local authority tenant, Bríd Cummins, on the day she was due to be evicted…

The political row in Galway over the sudden death of a local authority tenant, Bríd Cummins, on the day she was due to be evicted has taken a new twist, with suggestions there may be a vote of no confidence in the city mayor.

It is thought that as many as half a dozen councillors may be considering supporting the motion. However, no councillors have publicly stated they will table it.

The suggestions of a motion of no confidence follow remarks by the Labour mayor, Cllr Catherine Connolly, who said there were "serious questions" to be answered over Galway City Council's handling of Ms Cummin's case.

Ms Cummins (48), originally from Co Tipperary, lost an appeal against her eviction for anti-social behaviour, but was found dead in her flat on December 6th - the day she was due to be asked to leave by the local authority.


The political row broke out two days later when it emerged the city council had directed that Ms Cummins should not be offered any services by the independent homeless organisation, Cope, before or after her eviction. This was in line with the city council's anti-social behaviour policy, according to the acting city manager, Mr Joe O'Neill. Last Monday, the mayor was criticised by fellow councillors for deciding to comment publicly.

Independent councillor, Mr Mike Crowe, said yesterday he was aware that a motion of no confidence in the mayor had been "aired", but said that he had not been approached for his support. "I would give it some consideration", Cllr Crowe said.

Sinn Féin councillor Mr Daniel Callanan, who acted as a solicitor for the tenants who had lodged the complaint against Ms Cummins before he was elected to the local authority, said he was also aware of such a motion. He said he might have to give it some consideration if his support was requested. "Things just can't keep going on the way they are at meetings. We are getting no work done, and Fine Gael, Labour and the Green Party need to get their act together", he said. He had also voted for her during the mayoral election, and would "agree with a lot of what she stands for".

The Fine Gael deputy mayor, Mr Padraic Conneely, said he was not aware of a motion and would regard it as "premature". Fianna Fáil councillor Mr Michael Leahy said he had heard a "vague suggestion" of a motion, but would question its value. "I think for the sake of the council at large, if we have difficulties, we have a duty to resolve them."

Cllr Connolly said there was "something rotten in the state of Denmark" if a no confidence vote against her was being considered.

The 15-member council comprises four Labour councillors, three Progressive Democrats, three Fine Gael, two Fianna Fáil, one Green party, one Sinn Féin and one Independent.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times