Forum on Europe holds plenary session

The second meeting of the National Forum on Europe, its first plenary session, takes place at Dublin Castle today.

The second meeting of the National Forum on Europe, its first plenary session, takes place at Dublin Castle today.

European commentator and analyst Mr John Palmer is to address the forum. A question-and-answer session and a debate among members will follow.

The forum, set up by the Government in response to its defeat in the Nice Treaty referendum, comprises members of the Oireachtas and those nominated by elected parties.

The allocation of seats is based on the percentage of first preference votes achieved by parties and independent representatives during the last election.


A number of other interested groups will be represented in a "Special Observer Pillar".

Fine Gael will not be represented at the forum. Party leader Mr Michael Noonan described it as a "talking shop", arguing the issues should be debated in the Dáil instead.

The Taoiseach said he regretted Fine Gael’s decision as it had made a contribution to European integration over the years.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times