Food authority warns four outlets over hygiene

The Food Safety Authority has shut down a restaurant in Galway and served warning notices on three premises in Dublin.

The Food Safety Authority has shut down a restaurant in Galway and served warning notices on three premises in Dublin.

The action was taken on the grounds that they posed a risk to public health.

The Dragon Court Chinese restaurant in Galway was ordered to close last month, while Molloys in Monkstown, Co Dublin, shut after being given a warning.

Mr Dam Ngoc Dung takeaway in Palmerstown and Salis Trading Limited supermarket in Terenure both in Dublin have been served improvement warnings.


The FSAI has served 14 enforcement orders on food outlets across the State already this year.

This figure is slightly up on 2001, where 13 orders were served during the same period.

All outlets who are served with a warning are named and shamed on the authority's website.

FSA spokesman, Mr Peter Whelan, said: "It is disappointing that there is little improvement on these figures from last year, while there are approximately 40,000 food premises operating in Ireland and looking at the bigger picture these are very small numbers of infringements, our desire is to attain 100 per cent compliance in the interest of public health".

Mr Whelan said more food outlets will face closure if they fail to comply with food safety regulations.

"Irish food businesses must realise that the future of their business lies in their own hands," he said.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times