Post-Christmas trouble gives AA busiest day in five years

Rescue service expects further car problems with increase in breakdowns due to flooding

“We knew it would be busy but we were surprised at just how hectic the day was,” said AA Director of Consumer Affairs, Conor Faughnan. Photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Post-Christmas car troubles on Monday delivered the Automobile Association's rescue service its busiest day in five years, the AA said on Tuesday. The association, which expects another bumper crop of problems on Wednesday, attributed the increase in vehicle breakdowns to the flooding and poor weather.

"We knew it would be busy but we were surprised at just how hectic the day was," said AA Director of Consumer Affairs, Conor Faughnan. "A lot of cars had not been started since Christmas Eve and that always means a big increase in flat batteries and other problems. These are very straightforward for the AA to fix but can be a nightmare for the motorist."

On Wednesday schools reopen and the association expects many more call outs as parents driving children to classes attempt to start vehicles for the first time since the new year.

In a statement on Tuesday, the association said the volume showed that roads were continuing to get busier as the economy picked up but there was “no doubt that the weather made the situation worse”.


“Flooding continues to be a problem on a number of routes following recent periods of heavy downpours throughout the country,” it said. “Parts of Munster and Leinster remain the worst affected with many national and regional roads still flooded.”

Mr Faughnan added: “We are again reminding drivers not to attempt to drive through floodwater if they can possibly avoid it. You can’t be sure how deep it is and you could find yourself in deep trouble. It also doesn’t take that much water to ruin a car engine. Even an egg-cup full can cause thousands of euro worth of damage in some circumstances. Far better not to risk it.”