
A roundup of this week's other heritage & habitat news in brief

A roundup of this week's other heritage & habitat news in brief

A better environment could be just a walk away

Space, Place and Nature: Connecting our Built Heritage and the Urban Environment is a conference to be held on November 5th in the Glasshouse Hotel, Sligo. Hosted by Walking Matters, it will examine how walking connects care for the environment with personal wellbeing and an appreciation of built heritage. Speakers include Ann Marie Cross, an eco-health officer with the HSE health promotion unit; Emer Concannon, an engineer with Sligo County Council; Mary Mulvey of the Green Box eco-tourism project; Senator David Norris; and Patricia Gardiner of Walking Matters. See walkingmatters.ie or call 071-9141621 for full details.

An education in learning spaces at the NCAD


An exhibition of designs for educational spaces created by architects and transition-year students goes on display in the National College of Art and Design next Friday. A Space for Learningwill include films, installations, models and drawings to illustrate ideas about learning spaces put forward by the 10 winning teams in the collaborative, state-funded project. School visits, teacher training and lunchtime talks are also scheduled. The exhibition runs until January 29th. See architecturefoundation.ie or aspaceforlearning.blogspot.com. Have your say on the pros and cons of wind energy

Have your say on the pros and cons of wind energy

Is wind energy the future or a blot on the landscape? This is the theme of a soapbox competition in which participants will speak at public libraries throughout Ireland over the next two weeks. The winner of each local event will then compete at national level in Farmleigh on November 19th. See europedirect.ie for venues.

Meanwhile, smart cities is the topic of the next public talk, on Thursday, in the UCD Earth Science Institute lecture series. Admission is free but booking is necessary on esi.admin@ucd.ie.



The international Convention on Biological Diversity finished in Nagoya, Japan, yesterday. Here you can read speeches from environment ministers and global leaders of diversity and check out the strategy for 2020.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment