Dublin authorities appeal for water conservation

Dublin's seven local authorities have appealed to members of the public not to waste water over the summer months.

Dublin's seven local authorities have appealed to members of the public not to waste water over the summer months.

People use an average of 150 litres of water, the equivilent of 15 large buckets, every day. But we can cut down on this by taking a number of simple steps, authorities said today.

These include turning off the tap while washing teeth, having a shower instead of a bath and watering the garden using a bucket or a watering can instead of a hose. Water can also be saved by spending less time the shower, by fixing leaky taps and by watering plants using wastewater.

Senior Engineer with Dublin City Council Adrian Conway said €118 million was being spend on rehabilitating old water pipes in the Greater Dublin area.


"We're doing our bit at Government and local authority level and we're asking the people of Dublin to do their bit too. If everyone uses only what they need, we should have enough water for everyone this summer".

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times