Drivers face penalty points next week

The first phase of the penalty points system is to be introduced next week, with drivers facing disqualification from the roads…

The first phase of the penalty points system is to be introduced next week, with drivers facing disqualification from the roads for six months if caught speeding six times in a three-year period.

The Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan, is due to announce details of the long-awaited scheme tomorrow, ahead of a public information campaign which will include radio and newspaper advertisements. Only speeding offences are to be covered by the first phase of the scheme, which comes into operation next Thursday morning.

Drivers caught speeding will receive two penalty points along with an €80 on-the-spot fine, an increase of €20 on the current fine. An offender can challenge a penalty points decision in the courts. However, if it is upheld, the driver, on conviction, will face a doubled penalty of four points and possibly a larger fine. A driver who receives 12 penalty points over a three-year period will have his or her licence revoked for six months. Penalty points will cease to be held against the driver after three years.

The penalty points system was first promised by the Government five years ago. Plans for its introduction were approved by the Cabinet in July 1998. The scheme has since faced a series of delays, including the Department of Finance's refusal earlier this year to pay for an €11 million specialist computer system needed by the Garda.


Two weeks ago, it was announced that only the anti-speeding provisions of the scheme would be introduced this month. The remainder of the provisions, covering 61 other offences, will be introduced next year.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column