Woman settles action against Kerry hospital

Woman had sued over alleged negligence arising from an operation to remove her gallbladder

Ms Justice Mary Irvine in the High Court yesterday was told the action had been settled and could be struck out. Photograph: Reuters

A woman who sued over alleged negligence arising from an operation to remove her gallbladder at Kerry General Hospital has settled her action.

Farzana Zahan (32), Manor West, Tralee, claimed that during the operation carried out in March 2012, surgery clips were placed on the main liver ducts, allegedly caus- ing her to suffer a major bile duct injury and life-threatening sepsis causing multi-organ failure.

It was also claimed that two days following the surgery, she was discharged despite suffering pain and had to be rushed back to the hospital the next morning.

It was alleged there were further instances of negligence in the management of her care before corrective surgery was carried out when she was transferred to Mercy University Hospital, Cork on June 1st, 2012 for a five-hour operation.


The HSE had denied the claims.

The case had opened last Tuesday but Dr John O'Mahony SC, for Ms Zahan, told Ms Justice Mary Irvine in the High Court yesterday the action had been settled and could be struck out.

Ms Zahan, who had given birth to her second child in January 2012, underwent the gall bladder operation at the Kerry hospital on March 23rd, 2012.