Woman and children jump from window in Drogheda house fire

Gardaí investigating if fire was started by a petrol bomb

Gardaí in Drogheda are investigating whether a fire at a family home last night was started by a petrol bomb. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire.

Gardaí in Drogheda, Co Louth are investigating whether a fire at a family home was started by a petrol bomb.

A woman (30) and her three young children had to jump to safety from a bedroom window after the blaze broke out at the house in St Laurence’s Park at approximately 9.40pm on Monday.

All four are believed to be uninjured but shocked by their experience.

The scene was preserved for examination by Garda forensic experts.


Indications are that it is not linked to the gangland feud in Drogheda.

The fire brigade was called by local people who saw flames coming from the door of the house. Drogheda fire service responded and extinguished the blaze. Damage was caused to the door and porch.

It is believed the family had only moved into their home in the last month. The children are all understood to be primary school age.

Gardaí say the cause of the fire is under investigation and will examine whether an item with some form of an accelerant was used to start the fire.

Flames were first seen coming from the front door , which is at the side of the three-bedroom house, and when neighbours rushed to help, they saw the woman and the three boys jumping from a first floor bedroom window.

An ambulance also responded and paramedics checked out the family.

Gardaí are appealing for witnesses to contact them at Drogheda Garda station on (041) 9874200 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111.