Man arrested over shooting outside Blanchardstown school

Suspect in his 20s being questioned over incident which has been linked to drug feud

Gardaí search for evidence following a shooting incident outside Riversdale Community College in Blanchardstown on Tuesday afternoon. Photograph: Colin Keegan/Collins.

Gardaí investigating a suspected feud-related murder attempt outside a Dublin school have arrested a man.

The suspect, a Dubliner in his 20s, was being questioned on Wednesday night about the attack which happened outside Riversdale Community College in Blanchardstown at 3.40pm on Tuesday.

The man targeted in the shooting, who gardaí believe was there to collect a relative, escaped uninjured.

The incident occurred as students were beginning to leave their final classes of the day and just before the rush of parents to collect them began. A safety drill began and the school was locked down with staff and pupils not allowed to leave until the area was declared safe.


The incident has been linked to a feud in Corduff and surrounding areas between two family-based criminal factions.

Witnesses have told gardaí the attacker appeared to be on foot and fled after discharging a number of shots from a handgun.

Members of both groups are known drug dealers and gardaí believe the dispute, which has been simmering for some time, is a drug-related feud that has become personalised.

In the hours after the shooting there were several arrests though those detained were released without charge after short periods in custody.

“Gardaí carried out two searches in the Corduff area this afternoon and during the course of the operation the man in his 20s was arrested,” a garda spokesman said. “He is detained at Blanchardstown Garda station under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act and can be detained for up to 72 hours.”

Anyone who was near the college between 3pm and 3.40pm on Wednesday and noticed anything suspicious is asked to contact Blanchardstown Garda station on (01) 6669700, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111 or any garda station.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times