Limerick woman takes action against Bishop Casey

Civil proceedings are part of four cases regarding members of clergy in the diocese

Bishop Eamon Casey: the proceedings against him are listed among four sets of civil proceedings in relation to at least two priests. Photograph: Aidan Crawley
Bishop Eamon Casey: the proceedings against him are listed among four sets of civil proceedings in relation to at least two priests. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

A Limerick woman has initiated civil proceedings in the High Court against Bishop Eamon Casey, among four cases regarding various members of the clergy in the Limerick diocese over several decades.

The proceedings against Bishop Casey, now 88, and living in a nursing home in Co Clare, are listed among four sets of civil proceedings in relation to at least two priests, regarding a number of claims in the Limerick diocese.

A summons has been issued on both Bishop Casey, and the Bishop of Limerick, Dr Brendan Leahy – in his representative capacity as the current head of the diocese.

One of the cases is being taken by a Limerick woman against Bishop Casey, who was based in Limerick from 1955 to 1960, when he served at St John’s Cathedral as curate.


Records show that Bishop Leahy, on behalf of the diocese, has entered an appearance in the case but has not yet filed a defence.

While the Limerick diocese is being represented in this case by Leahy & Partner solicitors in Limerick, Bishop Casey does not have any legal representation to date, according to court correspondence.

A number of legal firms are representing the four plaintiffs. The series of proceedings were initiated last November, with the latter two proceedings entered this February.

Dr Leahy is also listed in a purely representative capacity as current head of the diocese in three other sets of proceedings. Another civil case entered in the High Court in November is being taken by a man against the diocese and a named priest who once served in a west Limerick parish.