Woman claims ‘chronic pain’ after hysterectomy, court hears

Mother of two Mary McNicholas said she has difficult walking and sues gynaecologist for damages

Mary McNicholas, a mother of two, told the High Court she is in constant pain and has missed out on key family events since she had a hysterectomy. Photograph: Courts Collins

A woman who claims she suffers “chronic pain” and has difficulty walking after a hysterectomy operation has sued for damages.

Mary McNicholas, a mother of two, told the High Court she is in constant pain and has missed out on key family events since she had the operation.

Ms McNicholas (52), Cloonkedagh Road, Kiltimagh, Co Mayo has sued Andrea Hermann, who, at the time of the procedure in 2005, was a consultant gynaecologist practising at the Galway Clinic, Doughiska, Galway. Ms Hermann now works in Germany, the court was told.

In her action, Ms McNicholas says she had a total abdominal hysterectomy on October 20th 2005 during which, it is claimed, she suffered nerve damage causing numbness in her left lower leg and severe pain.


She claims she has been left with a general numbness in her left leg and her leg remains weak.

The claims are denied and the defence contends the surgical technique of the hysterectomy operation was appropriate.

Opening the case, Michael Counihan SC, for Ms McNicholas, said when Dr Hermann examined Ms McNicholas, the doctor had said her weight would present no difficulty in relation to the surgery.

During the operation, there was a very substantial blood loss which was about four times more than normal for the procedure, counsel said. After the operation, Ms McNicholas had a numbness of the left leg and could not put her weight on that leg, he said.

Ms McNicholas told the court she has “chronic pain”.

“It is pain, pain, all the time. I try to not to let it impact on my life but it is there all the time,” she said.

She said she is only able to do one household chore a day and has fallen over in the supermarket. When she is out, her leg goes from under her, she added.

“I have missed out on family events, weddings and christenings. I hate what it has done to my family, but we have to cope with it. I try to be strong,” she said.

The case before Mr Justice Anthony Barr continues.