Author and publisher apologise for Kinahan crime book

Dublin man took defamation case after book claimed he had been arrested

Derek Cervi sought orders correcting what he claims are defamatory statements and requiring all unsold copies of the book be recalled.

A Dublin man has received an apology at the High Court from the publisher and authors of a book about the Kinahan crime cartel.

The apology was made to Derek Cervi who had taken defamation proceedings against publisher Penguin Random House Ireland Limited and journalists Owen Conlon and Stephen Breen as authors of The Cartel – The shocking true story of the rise of the Kinahan crime cartel and its deadly feud with the Hutch gang.

Mr Cervi, Russell Avenue, East Wall, Dublin 3, said the book had wrongly stated he was arrested and later released without charge by the Garda when he was not arrested at any stage by the Garda.

He claimed the book, which was published in May, also wrongly linked him to criminality.


Mr Cervi said he has never been involved in criminality.

He also said the book has brought him unwanted attention and he was concerned for his and his family’s safety.

Unsold copies of book

As well as seeking damages, Mr Cervi sought orders correcting what he claims are defamatory statements and requiring all unsold copies of the book be recalled.

When the case was called before Mr Justice Richard Humphreys on Monday, the court was told by Martin Hayden SC, for Mr Cervi, the proceedings had been resolved.

As part of the settlement, an apology to Mr Cervi was read to the court by Cian Ferritter SC on behalf the publishers and the authors.

In the apology the defendants said they “acknowledge and accept that there was an erroneous reference to Mr Cervi having been arrested” in the book.

“This was incorrect and the defendants accept that Mr Cervi was not arrested and that he has no association with the Hutch or Kinahan gangs.”

“Penguin have agreed to correct this error in all forthcoming publications of the book,” counsel said.

The defendants also apologised for the “upset and distress that this has caused to Mr Cervi and his family”, the apology concluded.

Mr Justice Humphreys welcomed the resolution of the proceedings.