Algerian-born Irish citizen remanded on terror charges

US seeking to extradite Ali Charaf Damache (50) to face trial

Ali Charaf Damache. File Photograph: Collins Courts

An Algerian-born Irish citizen who is wanted in the United States on alleged terrorism charges has been remanded until May 21st.

High Court judge Ms Justice Aileen Donnelly said she hoped to be in a position to deliver judgement in the extradition case then but she may not be.

Ali Charaf Damache (50) who has been living here for a decade, is wanted in the United States to face charges relating to the conspiracy to provide material support for terrorists and attempted identity theft to facilitate an act of international terrorism.

Last December was the second time his extradition case had been heard. In November 2014, Mr Damache also won a Supreme Court appeal against a High Court judge's refusal for leave to seek judicial review of the decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions not to prosecute him here.


The Supreme Court unanimously ruled Mr Damache was entitled to judicial review of two issues: whether the DPP’s March 2011 refusal to prosecute him here is reviewable, and whether the DPP was entitled to refuse to give reasons for her refusal.

If convicted in the US, Mr Damache could face up to 45 years in jail, a term his lawyers say would be “a lot more” than could be imposed here in Ireland.