Former Sinn Féin councillor and father charged over death threats

Jonathan and Patrick Dowdall charged with false imprisonment, assault and threats to kill

Former Sinn Féin councillor Jonathan Dowdall

A former Sinn Féin councillor and his father who appeared Wednesday at the Special Criminal Court have been charged with falsely imprisoning, assaulting and threatening to kill another man.

Each of the three charges against Jonathan Dowdall (39) and Patrick Dowdall (59) are alleged to have taken place at Navan Rd, Dublin 7 on January 15th this year.

The men, with an address at Navan Road, Dublin 7, were charged with falsely imprisoning Alexander Hurley by detaining him without his consent.

They were also charged with assaulting Mr Hurley, causing him harm.


Additionally, they were charged with threatening Mr Hurley that he would be killed, intending him to believe that the threat would be carried out.

Last month, the Dowdalls were charged with possessing a firearm or imitation firearm, which appeared to be a sawn-off shotgun and a handgun, with the intent to falsely imprison Mr Hurley, at the same place on the same date.

Detective Sergeant Padraig Boyce, of the Special Detective Unit (SDU), told State solicitor Michael O’Donovan Wednesday that he met Jonathan Dowdall in the precincts of the court, where he showed him the charge sheet, read it over to him and explained it in ordinary language.

Jonathan Dowdall made no reply, the court heard.

Detective Garda Colm Finnerty, also of the SDU, told Mr O’Donovan that he met Patrick Dowdall before the sitting of the court and read him the charge, to which the accused man made no reply.

After the court’s registrar read the charges to the men, Mr O’Donovan told the judges that the books of evidence were ready to be served on the accused men.

Det Gda Finnerty handed the books of evidence to the men.

Counsel for the State, Vincent Heneghan BL, applied to the court to remand the men in custody until October.

Michael O’Higgins SC, for Jonathan Dowdall, consented to the application, saying that in the meantime the book of evidence will be considered.

Patrick Dowdall’s counsel, Dean Kelly BL, also consented to the State’s application.

Mr Justice Paul Butler, presiding with Judge Alison Lindsay and Judge Cormac Dunne, remanded both men in custody until October 7th, when their case is listed for mention again.