TV fitness expert in court charged with assault of ex-girlfriend

Francis Xavier Usanga (29) is accused of assault causing harm to Emma Murphy at Dublin gym

Dublin District Court heard Francis Xavier Usanga was currently unemployed; he was granted free legal aid after furnishing a statement of means. Photograph: Collins Courts

A TV fitness trainer is facing trial for assaulting his model ex-girlfriend.

Former gym expert on RTÉ's Today show Francis Xavier Usanga (29), Lanesboro, Finglas, north Dublin is accused of assault causing harm to Emma Murphy at FX Fitness in Santry on July 3rd last.

The charge is under Section 3 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act.

He appeared before Judge Patricia McNamara Dublin District Court Wednesday dressed in a grey pinstriped blazer and dark blue jeans.


Mother-of-two, Ms Murphy (26) a model and fitness blogger, watched the proceedings from the public gallery.

Judge McNamara noted the charge and that the defence were asking for an order for disclosure of evidence.

Det Sergeant Michael Mulligan said the DPP had directed summary disposal, meaning the case would be dealt with at district court level.

Judge McNamara asked if the defence wanted the jurisdiction issue to be decided but defence solicitor Daniel Hanahoe asked for that not to be done at this stage.

He was a granted an adjournment until May 5th next to allow gardaí time to provide disclosure of evidence.

Mr Usanga, who was accompanied to court by his mother, has not yet entered plea to the charge.

Nigerian born Mr Usanga has appeared on a number of TV shows, including TV3’s Red Rock series and RTÉ’s Today show, and formerly worked at FX Fitness.

Judge McNamara granted him free legal aid after she was furnished with a statement of his means and noted he is currently unemployed.