Protesters force judge to abandon court sitting

Chorus of shouting as Integrity Ireland member has application refused

Integrity Ireland activist Stephen Manning protested vigorously about the decision to refuse his application, claiming his rights had been denied on “a technicality”.


A judge abandoned a court sitting yesterday after a large number of people chanted “off the bench” in the courtroom.

In a bizarre spectacle, members of Integrity Ireland told Judge Kevin Kilraine he was "in dishonour" and was being "placed under citizen's arrest" at Castlebar District Court.

The uproar which led to the court being adjourned until September 16th came when Judge Kilraine dealt with two civil summons matters – against the Mayo county registrar Fintan Murphy and Garda Sgt Peter Hanley.


The summonses related to alleged incidents at repossession courts earlier this year.

Judge Kilraine refused an application by Integrity Ireland activist Stephen Manning for a reissuing of a summons against Sgt Hanley, Mr Manning had not put Sgt Hanley on notice that the summons was being reissued.

Mr Manning protested vigorously about the decision to refuse his application, claiming his rights had been denied on “a technicality”.

“You claim ignorance of the law,” the judge told Mr Manning, “even though you appear in court on a regular basis”.

The court heard that in the case of Mr Murphy, the matter could not go ahead due to an application to the High Court for a judicial review.

Integrity Ireland member Colm Granahan asked the judge to rule the High Court document out. He said the document had only been served on him on Tuesday night and it had not been served properly.

The court was eventually adjourned amid a chorus of shouting from protesters.