Motorist caught speeding three times in 88 minutes, court hears

Anthony Buckley detected by same Go Safe van on road near Killaloe, Co Clare

‘This has been an unusual case,’ said Judge Patrick Durcan. Photograph: Frank Miller

A motorist failed to spot a Go Safe van on the side of the road late at night and was detected speeding three times in 88 minutes, a court has heard.

At Killaloe District Court, Judge Patrick Durcan banned Anthony Buckley of Flood Street, Garryowen, Limerick for three months.

In evidence, Go Safe van operator Paul Bennett told the court he first detected Mr Buckley speeding at 1.37am on March 27th at Killestry near Killaloe. He was driving at 69km/h in a 60km/h zone.

At 2.26am, Mr Buckley was detected driving at 82km/h in the 60km/h zone.


Mr Buckley then drove past the same van at 3.05am at a speed of 111km/h.

Judge Durcan asked Mr Bennett was he working in an unmarked Go Safe van as it was obvious Mr Buckley had not spotted him.

Mr Bennett replied that the van was marked, as all Go Safe vans are.

Mr Buckley, who had not paid the initial fines on the speeding offences, was not in court on Tuesday.

Judge Durcan imposed cumulative fines totalling €1,350 on Mr Buckley for the speeding and by way of ancillary order on the 111 km/h speeding case, imposed a three month driving ban.

“This has been an unusual case,” he said.

In a separate Go Safe case, a car registered to John Haugh, Birdhill, Co Tipperary was detected speeding at 69km/h in a 60km/h zone.

Solicitor for Mr Haugh, Turlough Herbert, said a garda in the past may have used his or her discretion and let the driver off considering the speed the driver, who was not Mr Haugh in this case, was travelling at.

“I totally agree with you,” said the judge. “Now unfortunately, if the gardaí so much as blow their nose while on duty, there will be someone whistling about it and they will be before a sworn inquiry, that is the way it has gone.

“The job of the gardaí is now made impossible.”

In a separate Go Safe case, Judge Durcan told a motorist to bring his local postman into court to explain why there is a problem with the post in his area.

Judge Durcan told Mark Howard of Main Street, Killaloe to bring his postman into court on the next date after the accudrf said he did not receive the Fixed Charge Penalty Charge for speeding.

Mr Howard said he did receive the summons to appear in court but not the fixed charge.

In response, Judge Durcan said: “Bring in your local postman — there must be a problem with your post in the area.”

In reply, Mr Howard said: “There has been.”

Judge Durcan said that he would adjourn the case to the next court to allow Mr Howard bring in his local postman to confirm that. Judge Durcan warned: “If the post man isn’t here I will have to convict.”

Judge Durcan said that he has been a close observer of the issuing of notices and is amazed at how efficient the system is.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times