Jim Mansfield Jnr to face trial for ammunition offences in June

Son of late businessman alleged to have had more rounds than his gun licence allowed for

Jim Mansfield Jnr (48) denies having 180 rounds of .22 Walther ammunition without a firearms licence at his home on January 29th, 2015. Photograph: Collins Courts.

A son of the late businessman Jim Mansfield is to go on trial in June on ammunition charges.

Jim Mansfield Jnr (48) is accused of having 180 rounds of .22 Walther ammunition without a firearms licence at his home at Tassaggart House in Dublin on January 29th, 2015. He denies the charge.

Dublin District Court heard an outline of the evidence including that gardaí searched Mr Mansfield Jnr's home under warrant and located a legally-held Walther pistol as well as 480 rounds of ammunition. This was 180 rounds in excess of what he was licensed to possess.

Defence barrister Tony McGillicuddy told Judge Bryan Smyth on Tuesday that equipment for playing video evidence would be needed for the trial. Judge Smyth ordered Mr Mansfield Jnr to appear again for his trial on June 12th.


His brother Patrick James (PJ) Mansfield (38) is accused of possession of 1,252 rounds of Walther ammunition without a firearms licence at his former home at Coldwinters Lake in Saggart. He has also pleaded not guilty. It has been held that his case should be sent forward to the circuit court.

Judge Smyth ordered PJ Mansfield, who was excused from attending court on Tuesday, to appear again next month.

The district court has heard that he was licensed to have 300 bullets for a legally owned Walther .22 pistol but it is alleged that he had 1,557 rounds at his home.