Dublin man jailed for nine years for imprisoning father-of-one

Ciarán Noonan, who was discovered in field, owed Mark Allen money for drugs

Mark Allen has been jailed for nine years for falsely imprisoning Ciarán Noonan.

A Dublin man has been jailed for nine years for falsely imprisoning a father-of-one whose naked body was discovered in a field two weeks after his violent abduction.

The deceased, Ciarán Noonan (29), had owed Mark Allen (36) money for drugs and had been put under pressure in the months leading up to the attack.

The court heard a number of school children had been playing in the Russell Avenue area of East Wall when a gang of men jumped out of Allen’s black Volkswagen Golf and attacked Mr Noonan. The young witnesses described how Mr Noonan was beaten with a crow bar, kicked in the face and dragged into the car.

Allen, of Wellview Avenue, Mulhuddart, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to falsely imprisoning Mr Noonan in Dublin on October 20th, 2011.


He has 10 previous convictions, including drugs and firearms offences.

Brendan Grehan SC, prosecuting, told the court that Allen was not being charged for the victim’s death. He said Mr Noonan died of neck compression.

The victim’s mother, Geraldine, described an “eldest son who was very loving and giving.

“Unfortunately he took a wrong turn and became involved in drugs, which became his new friend and cost him his life. The hardest thing was not knowing where he was and I cannot describe our horror when he was found dead and left in a field for 15 long nights.”

She added in a victim impact statement that, following her son’s funeral, she had a nervous breakdown and was hospitalised for a month. “Willie (her husband) lost his best friend and Damien (Ciarán’s brother) lost his only sibling.”

Judge Patrick McCartan commented that Allen’s offence was extremely serious and his part “ultimately lead to the death of Mr Noonan”.

“I wish to extend my sympathy to the Noonan family. Unfortunately, he was blighted by drugs and they led him to his demise,” said Judge McCartan. “A picture has been created of a young man who was dearly loved and part of a family and who had a young child, who all have been left deeply traumatised by his departure.

“No one should ever suffer what Ciarán Noonan suffered and his beating was done to simply send out a message by those involved what is likely to happen should others default as drug mules, dealers or users.

“Clearly, Mr Noonan was incapable of satisfying the demands of these people and what they were left with was to teach him and others a lesson.”