Body of woman in her 70s discovered in Limerick house

Gardaí treating death as suspicious and have appealed to public for information

The body of the woman was discovered by a relative in her home at New Road, Thomondgate. Photograph: Google Street View

Gardaí have appealed for information after the body of an elderly woman was discovered in suspicious circumstances in Limerick city.

Gardaí sealed off Rose Hanrahan’s home at New Road, Thomondgate, and officers removed the 78-year-old widow’s car from outside her home for a forensic examination.

Ms Hanrahan’s body was discovered by a relative in the front hall of her home at New Road, Thomondgate, around 1.30pm. According to Garda sources, it is believed she may have died violently.

Officers attached to the Garda Technical Bureau were travelling from Dublin to Limerick to begin a detailed forensic examination of the interior and exterior of her home. A postmortem to be carried out on Saturday by the deputy State pathologist Dr Michael Curtis will determine the course of the investigation.


Dr Curtis was expected to carry out a preliminary examination of Ms Hanrahan’s body at the scene prior to conducting a full postmortem at University Hospital Limerick.

The widow was described by neighbours as a “pure angel”. Friends said she had lived alone for the past five years following the death of her husband Mike, a former member of Limerick Civic Trust, which is responsible for conserving and preserving historic local landmarks.

‘Living saint’

Local Fianna Fáil TD Willie O’Dea, a friend of Ms Hanrahan’s, said: “She was a living saint. Rose and Mick were very personal friends of mine. Rose was an absolute lady. She was very gentle and very welcoming. She would make me tea when I called in. Mick was a tremendous fisherman.”

Sinn Féin TD Maurice Quinlivan, who also lives locally, said he had spoken to some of the woman’s relatives.“They are in great distress and shock.”

Supt Derek Smart of Henry Street Garda station confirmed that gardaí were investigating the "suspicious death" of a woman in Thomondgate.

Supt Smart appealed to anyone who “ knows anything or heard anything in the area between last night and this afternoon” to contact gardaí.