Amphetamine worth £20,000 seized in Co Antrim

Man held on suspicion of possession of class A drug and possession with intent to supply

Drugs with a street value of £20,000 (€26,700) have been recovered after police stopped a car in Co Antrim.

Two kilograms of amphetamine, commonly known as speed, was found when officers stopped the vehicle on Nutts Corner Road at about 4.30pm on Thursday.

A quantity of white powder was also seized during a follow-up search at an address in Lisburn.

A 26-year-old man arrested at the scene is being held on suspicion of possession of a class A drug and possession of a class A drug with intent to supply.


PSNI Inspector Mark Robinson said: "We are totally committed to addressing the problem of controlled drugs within our communities.

“Amphetamine is a very dangerous illegal drug and we have a duty to protect the public and to keep people safe. We want to send a very clear message to those involved in supplying any form of controlled drugs, that if detected, they can expect to be brought before the courts.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101.

Press Association