Almost 10,000 on the spot fines issued for Covid-19 breaches

Some did not believe they had responsibility to adhere to restrictions – Deputy Commissioner

The Garda force has urged people not to make non-essential journeys this weekend and to stay within 5km of home when exercising. Photograph: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos

Some people still did not believe they had any responsibility to adhere to Covid-19 restrictions despite the deaths of 4,000 with the virus in the Republic since the pandemic began, the Deputy Garda Commissioner John Twomey has said.

The Garda force has urged people not to make non-essential journeys this weekend and to stay within 5km of home when exercising.

It also emerged on Friday that almost 10,000 on the spot fines have been issued for Covid-19 breaches.

Hospital Report

Last weekend during fine weather many beauty spots and parks, especially in Dublin, were very busy and a decision was taken in late morning last Sunday to close Phoenix Park and some other parks.


Garda Headquarters said on Friday that Garda members would be deployed this weekend to beauty spots, beaches, parks and popular public amenities to ensure people were no more than 5km from home and that drivers were not illegally parking.

‘Casual contact’

Mr Twomey said while the majority of people in the Republic believed they were following the Covid-19 restrictions, research had now shown many people were still having “casual contact” with others.

“We all have a role to play in tackling the spread of Covid-19. This is an individual and collective responsibility,” he said.

“Unfortunately, there appears to be some people who don’t believe it is their responsibility. Having such an attitude puts themselves, their loved ones and anyone they come into contact with at risk of getting a virus that has killed more than 4,000 of our fellow citizens.”

To date, some 9,800 fines issued have been issued to people for Covid-19 rule breaches, including 7,566 fines of €100 for non-essential travel. Some 716 fines - initially €100 and now €500 - have been imposed for non-essential journeys to airports and ports, by people intending to leave the country.

House parties have remained a problem for the Garda despite the fact hosting or attending a party was now a breach that could be sanctioned with a fine.

Garda Headquarters said some 277 fines of €500 had been imposed on people for organising house parties and 1,109 fines of €150 had been imposed on people attending house parties. The number of €80 fines imposed on people for failing to wear face masks, in shops and on public transport, has now reached 187.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times