Court told of discrepancies in dates of alleged sexual assaults

A MAN who alleges he was raped and sexually abused by a Dublin priest between June 1st, 1979, and June 30th, 1983, asserted in…

A MAN who alleges he was raped and sexually abused by a Dublin priest between June 1st, 1979, and June 30th, 1983, asserted in court yesterday that two violent incidents did not take place in 1980 when he was eight, but when he was “nine or 10, definitely not eight”.

He agreed with defence counsel David Keane SC that in statements to gardaí he said the alleged incidents took place in 1980.

The complainant, now 38, also agreed the date and age in the statements were incorrect but, he continued, “the facts are the same”. He insisted “what did happen, did happen”.

He was giving evidence in the trial of a former Dublin priest who faces 16 charges of sexually abusing the complainant, then an altar boy aged between seven and 12 years. Six charges allege buggery, with the rest indecent assault.


Mr Keane told the court that among the accused man’s duties as a curate in the parish was to say early morning Mass on weekdays at a local convent.

He said a Sr Nelly Curtin would tell the court that she never saw altar boys assist at such Masses during the relevant period.

The complainant responded that not only did he serve Masses at the convent but that he also assisted at baptisms and weddings there. “Maybe that particular person [Sr Curtin] was not there when I was,” he said.

He agreed that in statements to gardaí he had said he had been taken for a drive by the defendant prior to one alleged rape in a gold Fiat Mirafiori car, whereas in evidence to the court he had said the car was a black Mazda.

“I do know he had two cars and I had been in both,” he said.

He felt he was “obviously confused” when he said he had been in the gold Mirafiori on the particular occasion.

Mr Keane told the court the former priest was involved in a traffic accident in a Mirafiori on May 27th, 1980. According to statements the particular rape occurred later in 1980.

Det Sgt Brendan Walsh confirmed to the court that he had taken statements in March 1998 and July 1999 from the complainant about his alleged abuse by the defendant. In subsequent investigations the defendant described the accusation as “completely false”.

Det Sgt Walsh agreed he had investigated the traffic accident involving the defendant which took place at 2.30am on May 27th, 1980 when the defendant hit a parked car on a footpath. The then priest was taken to hospital with a cut over his left eye. Det Sgt Walsh did not recall him having any other injuries.The case continues.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times