CASE STUDY: Susan Murray looks back

Susan Murray remembers shedding a tear as she watched the Olympic flame going out during the closing ceremonies of the Special…

Susan Murray remembers shedding a tear as she watched the Olympic flame going out during the closing ceremonies of the Special Olympics almost four years ago. "When the torch when out in Croke Park I got so upset. I thought this was the end. But in reality, it was just the beginning of a much better life to come."

Susan, then 29 years of age, had led a sheltered life like many other people with learning disabilities. She didn't have many friends, she wasn't really involved in sport and kept to herself most of the time.

By her own admission, her involvement in the Special Olympics has transformed her life. "I thought to myself that there were plenty of athletes out here like myself. If they can do it, why can't I?"

Nowadays she is involved in 10-pin bowling every Friday night in Tallaght, rhythmic gymnastics on a Saturday and swimming on a Sunday. Then there's the athlete leadership programme, where she helps organise social events for athletes. Not to mind the dozens of friends she meets on a regular basis.


"Life is much different now. When I wasn't involved in all those activities, life for me was a lot blacker. I did things before, but nowhere near as much as I do now. I've more friends now than I ever had," says Susan.

Susan, who co-presents a radio show on Anna Livia FM once a week, says other people with disabilities who aren't involved in the Special Olympics should contact their local organiser.

"I would say to people out there that, listen, this is a chance of a lifetime to prove yourself to the world that you can be the best. Show off your talents!"

As for Susan's sporting ambitions, she hopes to represent her country in the future. "To make the Olympic team one day would be fantastic."

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent