Campaign begins to recruit foster parents

A new campaign to increase the pool of foster parents available to the East Coast Area Health Board (ECAHB) has been launched…

A new campaign to increase the pool of foster parents available to the East Coast Area Health Board (ECAHB) has been launched.

The campaign entitled "Could you change the life of a child?" aims to reverse what the ECAHB describes as a serious decline in the numbers of applicants for the role of foster carer.

Ms Renée English, foster team leader with the Board, said: "Mostof our foster-carers find it a really fulfilling, positive experience.. Thething is, a lot of people are actually interested in becoming afoster-carer, but they don't realise they're eligible."

Ms English said:"There is aperception that a foster-carer has to be married, young and working in thehome."


She said: "This simply isn't the case, we're looking for people from all walksof life to apply, the most important thing is that they have a commitment tocaring for children".

Although most applicants are married couples, the board says inquiries are welcomed from single, widowed and separated people. It also insisted it was not necessary to be a parent to be considered.

In an effort to recruit new applicants, social work teams from the board have begun an information week that will see adverts placed in local newspapers, information stands in local supermarkets and leaflet drops.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times