Byrne says EU countries playing politics with BSE

Ireland's response to the BSE crisis has been commended by EU Commissioner Mr David Byrne who has criticised some member-states…

Ireland's response to the BSE crisis has been commended by EU Commissioner Mr David Byrne who has criticised some member-states for playing politics over the issue.

Mr David Byrne

Mr Byrne said the process of rebuilding confidence in beef throughout the European Community will take time and significant resources.

Speaking in Dublin today at a Labour Party seminar on food safety - "Food Safety and BSE: What now for the Consumer?" -Mr Byrne said he has been deeply frustrated by the response of member states and adding, "this is too serious an issue, with too much at stake, to score cheap political points".

Reminding those present of the new measures introduced since the last bout of BSE three months ago, Mr Byrne commended Ireland's ban on the vertebral column or T-bone.


He stressed that the although the UK has a high incidence rate it is a low risk country as no cattle over the age of 30 months enter the food chain.

Mr Byrne also praised the concern taken by Ireland over food safety saying that he had drawn on his experience here to establish an independent European Food Authority.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times