Australian police take search for killer to Ireland

Australian police looking for a gunman suspected of killing English backpacker Mr Peter Falconio in the Northern Territory last…

Australian police looking for a gunman suspected of killing English backpacker Mr Peter Falconio in the Northern Territory last month, and of trying to abduct his girlfriend Ms Joanne Lees, last week took their search to Ireland.

Yesterday Northern Territory police said one of their detectives flew to Ireland after the Garda reported a possible match with DNA found on Ms Lees's T-shirt after she escaped from the gunman north of Alice Springs on July 14th.

It is understood the DNA was taken from a suspect who passed through the criminal justice system in Ireland recently. Australian police asked international police to check their databases for a possible match.

While Ms Lees escaped from the gunman Mr Falconio has not been seen since the couple were ambushed at a remote spot on the Northern Territory's Stuart Highway.


Australian police believe Mr Falconio was shot dead and his body dumped by the gunman somewhere in the outback.

Mr Falconio and Ms Lees had been touring Australia in a van. They were flagged down by a motorist on July 14th. When Mr Falconio got out to investigate, the driver of the other car shot him. He then tried to abduct Ms Lees but she escaped.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times